How to choose a hotel in Moscow, if you came for a short while?
In Moscow, the market of temporary housing is overcrowded: large network and mini-hotels, apartments, rented apartments ... This diversity does not last long and be confused. If you plan to come for a few days, there is a great temptation to save money and choose something cheaper, they say, for a short while. Do not give in to him! A small dark room with meager furniture and ungracious staff can significantly spoil the impression of visiting the beautiful city. But I do not want to overpay too ... Believe me, you can find a compromise!
The boutique hotel "Tema" offers guests 19 rooms with unique interiors for a period of 2 hours to several days. At your service: large comfortable beds, showers and Jacuzzi, secure parking. The hotel is located near the center of Moscow, but at the same time in a fairly quiet, secluded place. Staying with us, you will make a visit to the capital truly unforgettable!