Going down in history as a refuge of exiles and rebels, now in London Soho surprisingly successfully masquerades as a completely harmless like this place a nice street artists, fashion gastrobarami, vintage small shops, hipster scooters and coffee to go, a magazine image for tourists, carefully measuring out the dosage of his eternal shocking color .
But night is quite another matter. Darkness in general tends to unmask and to awaken in the respectable metropolis cogs instinctive nature belonging to primitive times, when life snaps to the circle of light around the campfire, around dusk concealed danger, and only the gods knew who live through the night.
Booming music in the numerous bars, flickering light ignites the fire color contents of glasses and stacks squealing violin in the theater, where scenes of swirling beauty in sequins and feathers, attract exotic tea houses and massage parlors Chinatown, in the air the smell of spices, alcohol and what Something elusive, but invincible beckoning. Maybe it's a mystery? And maybe a new adventure? ..
Tomorrow you will wear costumes and ties again, become boring and rational. But now - night, Night in Soho, and its magic will not dissipate until the first ray of sun.