What is a kiss? Contact of the lips. Two simple and empty words that explain everything, but absolutely do not explain anything.
Why do people kiss? Because it's nice. How silly and flat this word sounds in comparison with sensations from the present gentle and passionate kiss. From the tips of his fingers running down the body goosebumps, his head spinning, the sounds seem to freeze in the distance, his breathing becomes hotter and hotter ... However, this is not all. The magic of kissing is much higher than simply listing physiological reactions.
The French, who know a lot about the art of love, say that during the kiss the souls come into contact. And everyone, who at least once, kissing a loved one, felt like the ground is leaving from under his feet, will agree with this version.
However, the material, chemical side of this phenomenon can not be avoided anywhere. At a kiss in a blood of the person hormones - serotonin, oksitotsin, dopamine and adrenaline which cause an euphoria, blunt pain, stimulate attachment feeling and speed up a palpitation, saturate an organism with oxygen are allocated. And the level of cortisol - a stress hormone - on the contrary, decreases. In addition, all the facial muscles work, calcium and phosphorus salts in saliva are made stronger dental enamel, and the exchange of bacteria strengthens the immune system. So kissing is also useful.
We invite you to engage in such a pleasant and healing kiss therapy in a specially designed for this room boutique hotel "Tema". Kiss more, strengthen health! And, perhaps, you will find your own, more correct and close to the truth formulations to explain what it is - a kiss? ..